农药体灌装机 技术性能: 该机采用先进的PLC(可编程序控制)控制灌装原理,配以触摸屏人机界面,及以光、机、电、气于一体的灌装系统。 农药体灌装机 技术优点: 本机采用先进的灌装阀体(进口阀体,灌装400万次无滴漏),计量误差在5‰之内,各种几何形状、大小规格容器皆可通用。(无需更换配件,高速即可使用)主要元气件全部采用进口件。
特点: 本机为封闭式灌装,符合环保要求,料箱底部进料配以高灵敏度传感器技术,保证了液位高低带来的流速误差。独特的下潜灌装(潜深度可任意调节)彻底解决了在瓶口上灌装时产生泡沫,导制溢出瓶口影响灌装精度的问题,是包装行业迄今为止较为先进的灌装设备.
农药体灌装机/Technical Characteristics:This machine is pouring product incorporated mechanism and electricity into a whole. PLC control technology with touching screen interactive operation interface.Advanced valve(import from Japan) pouring, pouring precision:±0.5%. Without replacing parts, it can meet automatic pouring with various volumes by adjustting for various kinds of forms and sizes. The part are all from imported.
With bottom of Container with sensor, it can reduce the liquid level error. Low-pouring completely solution height occurring bubble which influence the pouring precision and the outward appearance.
直列式灌装机 同类相关产品:直线式灌装机 农药体灌装机